Welcome to dahm adr

The alternative dispute resolution firm of Patrick Dahm,
German-Singapore lawyer, arbitrator and mediator

About Patrick Dahm

Patrick is a Singa­pore-based Ger­man arbi­tra­tor, medi­at­or, and law­yer (Rechts­an­walt) with more than twenty years of pro­fes­sion­al exper­i­ence, par­tic­u­larly in com­mer­cial, mari­time and IT law and in inter­na­tion­al arbitration.

Trained as a dis­trict and appel­late judge in Ger­many, he accepts appoint­ments as an arbi­tra­tor and medi­at­or. He is a law­yer with JLA Law Corporation.

Patrick has acted as sole arbi­tra­tor as well as mem­ber and chair­man of arbit­ral tribunals in vari­ous insti­tu­tion­al or ad hoc pro­ceed­ings under dif­fer­ent rules (AIAC, CEAC/ASEAC, SCMA, Swiss Rules, UNCITRAL).

Patrick is qual­i­fied and admit­ted to prac­tise both Singa­pore law (in per­mit­ted areas) and Ger­man law in Singa­pore. He is also a fully registered for­eign law­yer with the Singa­pore Inter­na­tion­al Com­mer­cial Court (SICC). He has rep­res­en­ted Asi­an and European parties in numer­ous court and arbit­ra­tion pro­ceed­ings under vari­ous pro­ced­ur­al and sub­stant­ive laws (both com­mon law and civil law, includ­ing CISG) and arbit­ra­tion rules (SIAC, SCMA, Swiss Rules, DIS, UNCITRAL).

He holds fel­low­ships and mem­ber­ships in numer­ous altern­at­ive dis­pute res­ol­u­tion and oth­er leg­al asso­ci­ations. He has also been appoin­ted and accred­ited by vari­ous arbit­ra­tion and medi­ation insti­tu­tions around the world.

Patrick has pub­lished art­icles and lec­tured on inter­na­tion­al arbit­ra­tion, ship­ping, cor­por­ate and inter­net law.

Con­tact Patrick

Fields of Specialisation


Shipping & Transport



ADR Institutions

Patrick is an arbitrator with the following institutions:

  • Singa­pore Inter­na­tion­al Arbit­ra­tion Centre (SIAC, Reserve Panel)
  • Japan Com­mer­cial Arbit­ra­tion Asso­ci­ation (JCAA)
  • Korean Com­mer­cial Arbit­ra­tion Board Inter­na­tion­al (KCAB International)
  • Asi­an Insti­tute of Altern­at­ive Dis­pute Res­ol­u­tion (AIADR, Pres­id­en­tial Panel)
  • Chinese Arbit­ra­tion Asso­ci­ation, Taipei (CAA)
  • CAA Inter­na­tion­al Arbit­ra­tion Centre, Taipei (CAAI)
  • South China Inter­na­tion­al Arbit­ra­tion Cen­ter (Hong Kong) (SCIAHK)
  • Shang­hai Arbit­ra­tion Com­mis­sion (SHAC)
  • Asi­an-European Arbit­ra­tion Centre (ASEAC)
  • Vienna Inter­na­tion­al Arbit­ra­tion Centre (VIAC)
  • Asi­an Inter­na­tion­al Arbit­ra­tion Centre (AIAC)
  • Thai­l­and Arbit­ra­tion Cen­ter (THAC)
  • Brunei Darus­salam Arbit­ra­tion Centre (BDAC)
  • Saudi Cen­ter for Com­mer­cial Arbit­ra­tion (SCCA)
  • BVI Inter­na­tion­al Arbit­ra­tion Centre (BVI IAC)
  • Indi­an Insti­tute of Arbit­ra­tion & Medi­ation (IIAM)
  • Centre for Inter­na­tion­al Altern­at­ive Dis­pute Res­ol­u­tion (CiADR), Bangladesh
  • Arbit­ra­tion and Medi­ation Cen­ter of the Maur­i­ti­us Cham­ber of Com­merce and Industry (MARC)
  • Court of Arbit­ra­tion for Art (CAfA), The Netherlands
  • Geneva Inter­na­tion­al Dis­pute Res­ol­u­tion Insti­tute (GIDI)
  • Delos Dis­pute Res­ol­u­tion, France

As a mediator, Patrick is accredited by the following institutions:

  • Singa­pore Medi­ation Centre (SMC)
  • Inter­na­tion­al Medi­ation Insti­tute (IMI)

Fellowships & Memberships

Patrick is a member of the following professional bodies:

  • Chartered Insti­tute of Arbit­rat­ors (Fel­low)
  • Asi­an Insti­tute of Altern­at­ive Dis­pute Res­ol­u­tion (Fel­low)
  • ICC Singa­pore Arbit­ra­tion Group
  • Chinese-European Arbit­ra­tion Asso­ci­ation (CEAA)
  • Ger­man Mari­time Arbit­ra­tion Asso­ci­ation (GMAA)
  • Ger­man Insti­tu­tion of Arbit­ra­tion (Deutsche Insti­tu­tion für Schieds­ge­richts­bar­keit, DIS)
  • Ham­burg Arbit­ra­tion Circle
  • Singa­pore Academy of Law
  • Bar Asso­ci­ation of Ber­lin (Rechts­an­walts­kammer Berlin)
  • The Law Soci­ety of Singapore

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