[Commercial] Das Vertriebsrecht von Singapur (The Distribution Law of Singapore), in: Martinek/Semler/Flohr, Handbuch Vertriebsrecht, 5th edition (https://is.gd/i9VO34)
[Litigation] [Arbitration] SICC oder Schiedsgericht? Ein Vergleich des Verfahrens vor dem Singapore International Commercial Court mit den Vor- und Nachteilen internationaler Schiedsverfahren (SICC or Arbitration? A Comparison of Proceedings in the Singapore International Commercial Court with the Advantages and Disadvantages of International Arbitration Proceedings) (https://is.gd/aNcHAw)
[Arbitration] Arbitrators: Balancing Active Engagement and Party Autonomy (https://is.gd/haCf3H)
[Arbitration] On the Diminishing Importance of Humanity in Arbitration (https://is.gd/lNlOJT)
[Arbitration] Inquisitorial Processes, or: Can Singapore Courts or Arbitral Tribunals Engage in the Amicable Settlement of Disputes?, in: Kluwer Arbitration Blog (https://is.gd/x8kOxt)
[Arbitration] On the Powers of Courts and Arbitral Tribunals in the Amicable Settlement of Disputes by the Parties: A Look at Singapore and Selected Other Countries; in: Zeitschrift für Schiedsverfahren – German Arbitration Journal (SchiedsVZ) 2023, p. 270 (https://is.gd/cfdsb9)
[Shipping] [IT] Das neue Recht elektronischer Transaktionen in Singapur: Wegbereiter für elektronische Konnossemente?; in: Transportrecht (TranspR) 2021, p. 313 (https://is.gd/n7wKKX)
[Shipping] [IT] The New Electronic Transactions Law in Singapore: Paving the Way for Electronic Bills of Lading? (https://is.gd/w5YB3d)
[Arbitration] Enforceability of Foreign Emergency Awards in Singapore (https://wp.me/p8fCIC-vi)
[Arbitration] On Arbitration, Football and Vacuum-Cleaning Robots (https://wp.me/p8fCIC-mU)
[Arbitration] ‘Language’ Difficulties between Civil Law and Common Law (https://wp.me/p8fCIC-hK)
[Arbitration] The Midnight Clause in International Arbitration (https://wp.me/p8fCIC-ia)
[Arbitration] A Grain of Civil Law – Some (Not So) New Chords for the International Arbitration Jazz; in: Singapore Law Gazette, October 2014, with Respondek and O’Shea (https://wp.me/p8fCIC-k8)
[Commercial] Wettbewerbsrecht in Singapur (Competition Law in Singapore); in: SGC Bizguide 2012 (with Singham)
[Commercial] Immobilienmarkt Singapur – Schwerpunkt gewerbliche Immobilien (The Real Estate Market in Singapore – Focusing on Commercial Real Estate); in: SGC Bizguide 2012
[Commercial] Overkill, Or: Free Trade Agreements in Asia; in: Global Trade and Customs Journal, Issue 7/8 (https://is.gd/fHRz1B)
[Commercial] The Civil Law Interpretation of Declarations of Intent by Contracting Parties; in: Rodyk Reporter – Litigation Brief, March 2012 (https://is.gd/9k3tlH)
[Commercial] Kredit und Kreditsicherung in Singapur (Credit and Credit Security in Singapore); in: SGC Bizguide 2008
[Public Law] Der Staatliche Kostenerstattungsanspruch nach erfolgreicher Befreiung entführter Deutscher im Ausland (The State’s Claim for Refund of Expenses After the Successful Release of Kidnapped Germans
Abroad); in: Neue Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsrecht 2005, p. 172
[IT] Unverbindlich verbindlich – Zur Selbstregulierung durch Verhaltenskodizes und Gütesiegel (Not Bindingly Binding – on Self-Regulation by Codes of Practice and Seals of Approval); in: Datenschutz und Datensicherheit 2002, p. 412
[IT] Auf dem Weg zur europäischen Informationsgesellschaft – Zu Übertragbarkeit und Pfändbarkeit von de- und eu-Domains (Towards a European Information Society – on Transferability and Attachability of de- and eu-Domains); in: Wertpapier-Mitteilungen 2001, p. 1135 (with Lwowski)
Presentations and Speaking Engagements
[Arbitration] Debate: The Extent and Limitations of Arbitrators’ Discretionary Powers – This House believes that arbitration is mainly a party-driven task and that arbitrators may rely on the cooperation of the parties to improve the overall effectiveness of arbitration; Asia International Arbitration Centre; Kuala Lumpur
[Arbitration] Debate: This House believes that ‘humanity’ is dispensable in arbitration, and artificial intelligence will supplant arbitrators in the future; Asian Institute of Alternative Dispute Resolution; Kuala Lumpur
[Arbitration] [IT] Webinar: Technology Disputes – How Does ADR Play a Role?; Asian Institute of Alternative Dispute Resolution; Kuala Lumpur
[Shipping] [IT] Presentation: Elektronische Konnossemente – Zur Rechtslage in Deutschland und Singapur (Electronic Bills of Lading – On the Legal Situation in Germany and Singapore); German Maritime Arbitration Association; Hamburg
[Arbitration] (Moderator) Webinar on an International Perspective: Disputes on Law Governing the Arbitration Agreement; Asian Institute of Alternative Dispute Resolution; Kuala Lumpur/Hyderabad
[Arbitration] Panel discussion: Ad Hoc Arbitration as an Elastic Rubber: Flexibility and Cost Efficiency; Asian Institute of Alternative Dispute Resolution; Kuala Lumpur
[Arbitration] Debate: This House Believes That Artificial Intelligence Will Have Replaced Arbitrators within Twenty-Five Years; Singapore Institute of Arbitrators; Singapore
[IT] Presentation: Computational Law & Blockchain Festival, global broadcast; Singapore
[IT] Panel discussion: Lawyers for technical start-ups; Singapore
[Commercial] The potential of the ASEAN Economic Community; Hamburg
[Commercial] Presentation: Free Trade Agreements in Asia; Inter-Pacific Bar Association; New Delhi
[Arbitration] Presentation: The Final Curtain for Anti-Suit Injunctions in Europe; The Law Society of Singapore; Singapore